Page 45 - Mangwanani Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 45

Plan  with  your  little  one
    If you want the event to be a memorable experience and the party a success, plan with your child in mind. Allow
    the birthday person to select the invitees. Allow the birthday child to suggest the theme for the party, and to ask for
    the food that they like. As with adults, little ones also like to have a good time.  They get excited at the prospect of
    being the centre of attention at their own event. Therefore, keep them in mind – after all you aren’t just having a
    party,  there  is  a  whole  journey  of  experiences  as  you  plan  the  event,  which  your    offspring  might  also  enjoy.

    Mind your manners − just don’t mislay your mind in the    To  help  you  make  your  kids’  party  the  best,  you  could
    process                                                   consider  having  your  little  one’s  event  at  one  of
    You  have  the  option  to  say  “no  gifts”  on  the  invites;   Mangwanani  Kids’  Spas.  Not  only  can  we  offer  you  a
    however, this may not go down well with other children.   custom  event,  we  have  kids’  spa  packages  you  can
    If gifts are given, you should teach your little ones the art   choose  from.  Our  exceptional  therapists  not  only  love
    of  saying  thank  you.  If  they  are  a  bit  older,  they  could   working with kids, they are well trained in doing so. Call
    even write a thank you note. If for any reason you forget   us, and let’s discuss your needs. Allow us to tell you how
    who  gave  a  particular  present,  don’t  stress.  Things   we  can  be  part  of  your  next  event.
    happen, so just move on. Just make sure that next year
    you  will  do  better.  If  there  are  many  gifts,  you  can
    discreetly  write  a  little  list  of  gifts  with  names  of  givers.
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