Page 41 - Mangwanani Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 41

1.Use  a  quality  cleanser  to  cleanse  your  face   .  5.Don’t  forget  about  the  sun:  do  use  a  sunscreen
    Dermatologists  concur  that  most  men  do  not  use  the   We  all  are  aware  of  the  hazards  of  the  sun;  however,
    most applicable facial-cleaning products. Instead, many   many menfolk still choose to expose their skin to the sun’s
    men use soap that is harsh on the skin. The result is that   rays. This habit can lead to premature aging; but also, in
    their  skin  becomes  dry,  premature  wrinkles  often    some cases, to skin cancer. Be sun-smart. What is more,
    developing.  What  men  should  be  using  is  a  mild    use a good moisturizer with an SPF of 30 or even higher.
    cleanser that removes dirt as well as oil, but does not dry   Do remember to reapply your sunscreen if you perspire;
    out  the  skin  in  the  process                          or  every  now  and  then,  for  full  protection.

    2. Use a good razor, one that performs well on your skin.  Ultimately, it is your choice. Do you want to look great as
    For  a  seriously  dreadful  shave,  or  ingrown  hairs,  a   you  get  older,  or  do  you  want  to  look  old  before  you
    down-market razor will supply your needs. However, it is   get older? If you apply these ve easy but key steps, you
    much wiser to spend on a high-quality razor that takes    will not only feel as well as look good,
    into  account  the  sensitivity  of  your  skin,  as  well  as  the   but  people  around  you  will
    coarseness  of  your  beard.  A  razor  with  multiple  blades   notice  this.
    may appear impressive; however, such random blades
    tend  to  lead  to  razor  burns  and  ingrown  hairs

    To  accomplish  a  slicker  shave,  it’s  a  wonderful  idea  to
    use a moisturizing shaving gel. Such a gel functions as a
    barrier  when  you  shave.  Furthermore,  specialists
    recommend  that  males  should  shave  in  the  shower,  or
    else  take  a  shower  immediately  before  they  shave.
    Doing so will mean that you will make less of a mess at
    the basin (or shave in the shower – less mess) and you
    will  have  a  better  shave.

    3. Consider using an alcohol-free aftershave
    Bear in mind that a sharp blade has just stripped skin and
    hair off your face. This causes the upper layer of skin to
    be  exposed.  An  alcohol-free  aftershave  will  hydrate  as
    well  as  soothe  your  skin,  without  causing  any  injury  or

    4. Do use a moisturizer
    Regardless of whether you shave off all your facial
    hair, or keep some on, moisturizing the face makes
    the  difference  between  skin  that  is  dry  and
    coarse, and skin that is smooth to the touch.
    Various  skin-care  products  have  been
    developed for men. This means that men
    are not limited to using skincare products
    designed for women’s skin. Instead, there
    are  many  products  on  the  market,  for
    i n s t a n c e ,   f r a g r a n c e - f r e e   f a c i a l
    moisturizers  specially    developed    for
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