Page 23 - Mangwanani Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 23

Retail Products

          Morgan Taylor Accelerate            Morgan Taylor Remedy Renewing           Morgan Taylor Daily Elixir – Daily
                                                        Cuticle Oil                       Keratin Nail Treatment
     Dry to the touch in 60 seconds! Drops
           for precision application.        Moisturizing antioxidant grapeseed,      With 20% active ingredients for
                                            Vitamin E, sunower and safower nail    astonishing results, keratin peptides
      Reduce the dry time of the already    and cuticle oil. Bio-Organic Complex    target and correct breaks, splits, and
          fast-drying Morgan Taylor            with panthenol is a vitamin and       peeling nails, by bonding with your
       lacquer. Dry to the touch in one     mineral complex designed to create a     damaged nail keratin to instantly
         minute and completely dry in         protective coating around the skin’s         repair and protect.
      less than 8 minutes. Formulated for    keratin protein structure. It protects
          compatibility with Morgan          the hydrogen and salt bridges which     This is a 7-free formula with 3 Levels
     Taylor topcoats. Bio-organic complex      help maintain the skin’s optimal                 of WOW:
             with panthenol is a            moisture, even under harsh salon and
         vitamin-and-mineral complex             environmental conditions.                   1. Instant results!
       designed to create a protective                                              Daily ELIXIR goes to work right away,
       coating around the skin’s keratin                                              immediately conditioning the nail
              protein structure.                                                                   .
                                                                                                2. Repairs
                                                                                   Hydrolyzed keratin peptides resurface
                                                                                    the nail plate while cross-linking with
                                                                                    existing nail protein to restore natural
                                                                                        nail structure and strength.

                                                                                               3. Protects
                                                                                       Pathenol-infused Bio-Organic
                                                                                     Complex™ keeps nails moisturized
                                                                                      even under harsh environmental
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