Page 18 - Mangwanani Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 18

Indulgent Body and Bath Product You Must Have

           African Cinnamon         Grapefruit and Fennel            Mbali              African Milk and Honey
          Shower Gel 500ml R80.00   Shower Gel 500ml R80.00      Liquid Hand Wash         2 phase Foam Bath
        Turn your shower into an aromatic   Nourish, cleanse, and purify skin   250ml R150.00  400ml R85.00
          delight with the rich smell of   with our refreshingly scented   Lather up to leave your hands   Ideal for dry skin. This delicately
        cinnamon. This exotic body wash   Grapefruit and Fennel Shower Gel  feeling fresh with our Mbali scent   infused formulation provides a
        will leave you feeling fresher and                   of cinnamon and orange, that   sumptuously lavish and luxurious
              wonderfully soft                              contains skin conditioning agents   wash, leaving your skin feeling
                                                               for soft hands. The perfect   hydrated, cleaner and healthier
                                                               addition to any bathroom       than ever

                 Mbali             African Milk and Honey     African Milk and Honey           Mbali
       Facial Moisturiser 250ml R110.00  Body Butter 250ml R85.00  Body Exfoliator  250ml R70.00  Body Butter 250ml R150.00
          Our cream is hydrating yet   Perfect for normal to dry skin, it   The fabulous ingredients of this   Our Mbali Body Butter
        lightweight, that helps to balance   transforms instantly on skin to give   exfoliator make sure that your skin   intensely nourish dry skin with a
          oil and excess sebum, and   you an instant all-over healthy   feels gloriously soft and is nourished.   rich scent of orange and cinnamon
        contains skin-conditioning agents   looking and gives your skin   Use 2 – 3 times a week
           that leave the skin feeling   long-lasting softness
        nourished and refreshed. Suitable
           for combination / oily skin

                                                                                                 AFRICAN  SPA

          Grapefruit and Fennel       African Wild Rose              Mbali
          Body Butter 250ml R85.00  Body Butter 250ml R85.00  Facial Moisturiser 250ml R110.00
         A luxurious whipped texture that   This thick based cream contains   Our cream is hydrating yet
        wraps the body in deep moisture.   secret oils to leaves your skin   lightweight, that helps to balance
        Reveal a more silky-soft skin after   feeling silky-soft and scented with   oil and excess sebum, and
                every use          a luminous accord of roses, for a   contains skin-conditioning agents
                                  beautifully fragrant skin indulgence  that leave the skin feeling
                                                            nourished and refreshed. Suitable
                                                               for combination / oily skin
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