Page 34 - Mangwanani Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 34

Spa focus

    Mangwanani Spas You Should Vist

    Learn a little more about the spas you have come to love. Better yet, visit them
    for a memorable Mangwanani experience.

    Mangwanani The Cullinan is situated within the Southern   Therapeutic massage treatments are offered at the Spa
     Sun’s The Cullinan Hotel, in Cape Town, directly opposite  by  the  poolside;  or  they  can  also  be  arranged  in  the
    the  Waterfront.  Our  boutique  spa,  at  The  Cullinan,  is   privacy  of  your  room.
    open  to  residents  and  visitors.  This  boutique  Cape
                                                              Our  popular,  traditional  full-body  massage  with  hot
    Town  Spa  offers  a  range  of  therapeutic  wellness    stones,  comes  with  a  selection  of  three  100%  organic
    treatments.    The  serene  surroundings  and  world-class   massage  oils  −  calming,  revitalizing,  and  nurturing.
    pampering  service   will  relax  and  restore  you.      Another  good  treatment  to  try  is  the  Korean  scrub
                                                              African ritual. This is an exceptionally effective full-body
    Our treatments are designed to rejuvenate your body by    exfoliation  that  will  leave  your  skin  rejuvenated,  fresh,
    means of our luxurious natural products and gentle        and cleansed. Also, this branch offers Morgan Taylor and
    fragrances. Calm your spirit, soothe your soul, relax your   Gelish  manicures  and  pedicures,  as  well  as  nail
    body and simply de-stress.                                treatments  for  men.

                                                                                     BOUTIQUE SPA
                                                                                      SINCE 2002

           Visit our Cullinan branch and experience a fusion of African hospitality with your  massage. Effects are long-lasting.

                           Southern Sun The Cullinan, 1 Cullinan Street Cape Town, Western Cape, 8001

    0878 09 0055                                                         WWW.MANGWANANI.CO.ZA
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