Page 32 - Mangwanani Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 32

Six Easy Ways to Overcome Stress

    The realities of everyday life, combined with uncertainties created by the global COVID-19 pandemic, could leave
    you  numb,  or  positively  gnashing  your  teeth.    Stress  is  normal.  Every  one  of  us  will  be  stressed  at  some  point,
     sometimes more stressed than at other times. Instinctively, our bodies activate a ight-or-ght response. By means of
    this action, our bodies release two hormones, namely cortisol and adrenaline. This results in your heart beating faster,
    and  you  will  breathe  more  rapidly.  Along  with  this,  you  could  develop  muscle  tension  or  headaches,  or  both,
    impacting the way you feel, and negatively affecting your productivity.

    Certain rituals, if closely adhered to, will help you to cope better, and will provide relaxation. Naturally, you can’t do much about
    external stress factors, but you can choose how to react to them.

    Start  with  a  refreshing  morning  ritual                Breathe.  Simply  breathe
    Embrace  each  day  with  a  morning  ritual.  Go  out  and  stand   Breathe deeply from your abdomen. This is such a simple ritual
    on  the  dewy  grass  barefoot,  watch  the  morning  sunrise,  or   we forget to do when stressed. Still, to help you, take one hand
    savour  the  moment,  sipping  slowing  on  a  hot  cup  of  your   and  place  it  on  your  lower  abdomen.  Next,  inhale  deeply
    favourite tea. You will feel surprisingly invigorated and focused,  through your nose several times. Hold your breath for a few s
    putting you in a better frame of mind for managing whatever   econds,  then  exhale  through  your  mouth.  Repeat  this
    life throws at you from then on.                           half-a-dozen times. There are also other breathing techniques
                                                               you can follow, such as blocking one nostril as you inhale, then
    Don’t forget about the power of exercise                   blocking the other nostril. The principle remains the same: you
    Exercise can counter stress hormones with feel-good hormones   want  to  centre  and  come  to  a  point  of  mindfulness,  being
    like endorphins. These hormones are more than mood         aware of where you are; rather than focusing on the past and
    elevators − they are the body’s natural painkillers. However,   future, neither which you can control. Try to do this breathing
    exercise is also a way of letting off some steam, mitigating   ritual  daily,  as  part  of  controlling  your  stress.  You  can  use  an
    anxiety. You don’t have to go to a gym to exercise. Go for a   hourglass to help you time this ritual. While you are de-stressing
    brisk walk with your dog, a jog with a friend. You could even   in this way, relax your shoulders, your facial features, and jaw.
    simply turn up the music and dance. Alternatively, you have   This will help you draw in that much-needed oxygen into your
    the option of pulling out that yoga mat out if you want to take   body’s cells, reviving them.   You can enhance your breathing
    a calmer approach. Whichever exercise ritual resonates well   exercise by taking a sprig of mint or whatever herb you might
    with you, is the one to select. Your body and mind will thank   have. Tear the leaves and rub them in your hands. Hold your
    you later.

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